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NEET Hikikomori Journal (Japanese)
Personal Japanology
NEET Hikikomori Journal (Japanese)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Japanese parliament enacted a law July 1 to prepare a support system for NEET, Hikikomori and children and young people who have a difficulty organizing their social lives.
The name of the law is "Kodomo Wakamono Ikusei Shien Suishin Hou." In English, "Act on Promotion of Development and Support for Children and Young People." (translated by me :-p)
According to the Cabinet Office, this law has two objectives: (1) prepare a framework for totally promoting measures to support the development of children and youth, and (2) prepare networks to support children and young people who have a difficulty organizing their social lives.
Before the law was enacted, the bill aimed to prepare a support system for only NEET and Hikikomori people. But parliament amended the bill and expanded objects of support. The enacted law is for children and young people who have a difficulty organizing their social lives as well as NEET and Hikikomori people, as I wrote earlier. According to minutes of parliament, "children and young people who have a difficulty organizing their social lives" include children and young people who have various problems such as "school refusal and bullying in compulsory education schools and eating disorder" and "mild developmental disorder." I guess such children and young people have higher risks of becoming NEET and Hikikomori.
The name of the law is "Kodomo Wakamono Ikusei Shien Suishin Hou." In English, "Act on Promotion of Development and Support for Children and Young People." (translated by me :-p)
According to the Cabinet Office, this law has two objectives: (1) prepare a framework for totally promoting measures to support the development of children and youth, and (2) prepare networks to support children and young people who have a difficulty organizing their social lives.
Before the law was enacted, the bill aimed to prepare a support system for only NEET and Hikikomori people. But parliament amended the bill and expanded objects of support. The enacted law is for children and young people who have a difficulty organizing their social lives as well as NEET and Hikikomori people, as I wrote earlier. According to minutes of parliament, "children and young people who have a difficulty organizing their social lives" include children and young people who have various problems such as "school refusal and bullying in compulsory education schools and eating disorder" and "mild developmental disorder." I guess such children and young people have higher risks of becoming NEET and Hikikomori.