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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It is said that at least 320 - 400 thousands households have Hikikomori people or there are 1.6 million Hikikomori people in Japan.

But at least as far as I know, few Hikikomori people and their parents use public services for them.

Suppose there are 1 million Hikikomori people in Japan. The population of Japan is about 130 million. By simple arithmetic, there are about 100 thousands Hikikomori people in Tokyo prefecture which has the largest population of all prefectures in Japan (about 13 million). Similarly, there are about 5 thousands Hikikomori people in Tottori prefecture which has the lowest population of all prefectures in Japan (about 600 thousands) So, it is estimated that there are 5 - 100 thousands Hikikomori people in every prefecture.

But I don't feel such a large number of people live in my prefecture. As I wrote earlier, I go to Hikikomori day care. But only a small number of Hikikomori people visit the day care. Although there are a few Hikikomori day care in my prefecture, I can't find thousands of Hikikomori people at the day care.

Data supports my view. According to a report by Mental Health and Welfare Center in my region, MHWC provided less than 30 cases of Hikikomori consultation in fiscal 2008 (in actual number). This suggests that small number of Hikikomori people and their parents consulted MHWC.

* MHWC is a public institution for people with mental problems, including Hikikomori. MHWCs are located in every prefecture.

I don't know whether estimate of Hikikomori people is wrong or very small proportion of Hikikomori people and their parents use public services for them.